Friday, January 9, 2009

Brelynn and Her Apples

Ok, you have to believe me when I tell you I feed my children! I mean look at those cheeks!! Poor little brelynn was spending her Christmas morning at Grandmama's house hoarding apples! She started out with two...
but that just wasn't enough, she soon got her apple arsenal up to 3...

Three just isn't enough apples to bunker down with for the winter, so Brelynn set out to find more...

Then the paranoia set in and she kept thinking that everyone was out to get her precious apples, she kept checking around to make sure no one put a hand on her bounty of fruit...

"I's gots me some apples, but you cant have none"

"Are YOU looking at my apples..."


Mary, Brandon, & Co. said...

ARGH!! She's so ridiculously adorable. Even her paranoid apple-mongering is cute. Just gotta get ready for the long winter ahead little one...

Clong said...

That is sooo cute! In regard to the, "I gots me some apples and you can't have none," line, is your child from appalachia? :) Just a joke. What a little cutie pie! But seriously feed her, poor apple starved kid.

The Smith Family said...

She might be from there if you read it as "apple-aisha", hardy har har!!!...sorry about the lame joke, I couldn't help myself!